SABPP staff members speak on 2022 Highlights

We asked our 14 staff members to pen down how 2022 penned out for them by focussing on positive things only. Here is what they said;
1. Zanele Ndiweni, SABPP Finance Practitioner
Staff member since : 9 March 2015

2022 has been a very productive year for SABPP as well as for me, personally. After working for seven years in the Membership department, I was moved to the Finance department to work as a Finance Practitioner. The transition process has been challenging yet fruitful as I received great support from my line manager, our accountants and SABPP staff. Moving within the organisation has developed and improved my entire client care and professionalism as I had to ensure that I continue preserving relationships on all sides. One of the best moments in this new department is liaising with our clients and suppliers as in most cases, communication is still with the same people that I used to communicate with but this time we are dealing with different issues or needs.
SABPP had productive events and workshops this year. It had its first face-to-face event since the Covid-19 pandemic. The first face-to-face event to be held was the Annual People Factor Summit. The two-day summit was very productive, and members were very interactive. It was great to meet the HR professionals after a two- and half-year break. The summit was followed by the 40th Anniversary Gala Dinner which was very refreshing event with over 130 attending the celebration.
2. Jody Coutts, SABPP Branding and Communication Specialist
Staff member since : 1 November 2022

2022 has been a whirlwind of ups and downs. Obstacles thrown at me that I never thought I would make it through, but never will He leave me nor forsake me!
I started the year by setting boundaries for myself and proudly stuck to them. In doing so, I have learnt and experienced more peace than I imagined. Letting go of things that no longer serve me and accepting the things that I cannot change. Remembering there is value in my authenticity as an individual has been fantastic!
I started my SABPP journey through the grace of God a position I dreamt of long before I was interviewed. I am excited to see what the future has in store for me, creating memories and growing from strength to strength are what I look forward to learning new skills and gaining knowledge that will shape and mould me to be a better version of myself.
I am coming for everything they said I could not have!
3. Monique Kleinhans, Customer Service Co-ordinator
Staff member since : 1 November 2022

The biggest thing that I learned this year, is to keep challenging myself and move out of my comfort zone and push myself to do better, I know I still have a lot to learn, but I am grateful for everything that transpired in 2022 and looking forward to every new challenge that 2023 will give me, My biggest push out of my comfort zone this year would be restarting my career path with SABPP.
I recently read a quote ”All we have is time and choices. Be wise with both”’ and I do believe this will be my motto for 2023, be wise with the choices your make as this is where you will spend your time.
I am PROUD to be back ? and excited to see how I contribute to SABPP in 2023.
4. Kgomotso Mopalami – Head: Product Solutions and Business
Staff member since : 1 February 2022

Demonstrably, one can say SA Board for People Practice is the number one HR Professional Body in the Continent. This was attested, among its other milestones, by a mammoth task where after 9 years, the HR Standards had to be reviewed. The response from the HR specialists and experts, the zeal and their engagement were just amazing. And how can I forget their positive reverberation as they engage in this task to ensure that SABPP remains relevant, while professionals align their practices to standards and compliance, reverberated positively. The response from companies within SA and other neighbouring countries to apply HR Standards was just amazing.
Whist still fathoming this professional experience, the Professional Body celebrated its fortieth birthday in style. This indeed was a great achievement and a reminder that we still have work to do to ensure that the perceptions about human resource management changes. Moreover, the members and all who attended were mesmerised by the milestones achieved; the people who selflessly led this organisation, and passed the baton to those who are remaining, to carry through the flame of professionalism in HR.
Finally, I will forever be indebted to this organisation as I once more, became part of this “family” to ensure that its compulsion is achieved through my contributions. The world of work is evolving and so are the practices; being afforded an opportunity to be a team player left me in awe! This can only mean that we must equip ourselves with knowledge, so that we serve with respect, integrity, good governance and ethical leadership.
5. Matthew Markham, SABPP Intern, Products Solution and Business
Intern since : 1 April 2022

Triumphs are not as sweet were it not for the trials that precede them. Learning how to manage the storm of daily operations within my first year in the corporate environment has been a tough but invaluable experience. The challenges I faced and how I adjusted to them were character defining moments. I will forever be grateful.
Learning and understanding the intricacies of people management has been interesting. Gaining insight into the world of HR completely opened my mind and increased my appreciation of HR practitioners and the HR profession. With HR being the common denominator across various organizations in every sector – It truly has solidified itself as the backbone of all organisations.
The year 2022 has most importantly taught me the value of embracing the struggles of growth. “The path of most resistance, is often the one that’s most fruitful.”
6. Tamlyn Swartz, Finance Co-ordinator
Staff member since : 1 October 2022

Intern (1 February 2022 to 30 September 2022)
Being part of the unity amongst the HR Community has given me insight in different aspects of Human Resources and what an important role they play in organisations. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of the SABPP Team. Being part of the finance department has helped me enhance my skills and overcome challenges in the professional space.
Realising that everything does not always work out as planned but rather how it should, must be one of the toughest lessons I have learnt this year. During hardship, we often forget about the blessings and milestones we have achieved, as a result of our resilience. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. Its about dancing in the rain.
7. Lawrence Zondo, Quality Assurance Co-ordinator
Staff member since : 1 October 2022

Intern (1 February 2022 to 30 September 2022)
Despite the challenges we faced at first regarding the go-live of the LMS and its functionality, the introduction of the LMS has created an opportunity to grow as a department and embrace the shift to online. This has brought convenience to the Skills Development Providers, improved our turnaround time, and significantly cut down on paper usage. We are growing our quality assurance committees, and this will bring forth new ideas, suggestions and recommendations that will prove useful to the department and SABPP as a whole.
8. Tshegofatso Rasego, Membership Practitioner
Staff member since : 1 October 2021

It has been an honor for me to engage with members and create wonderful relationships given that I am enthusiastic and passionate about people . Although the road was not easy but we overcame and achieved our goals. It was such an amazing opportunity that I was granted the chance to temporarily lead the Membership department for six months. My attitude and way of handling things were both altered by it. The CEO gave me the permanent position later in the year, which is an exciting and fascinating position to be in. I am eager for the new year and all of its responsibilities.
As the membership department we have introduced a new system , where members are able to pay , get their certificates and write board exams online. We have also introduced buffet membership where we thought of bringing convenience, cost savings and additional access to workshop and events to our members.
On a more personal side, I am happy to inform you that I will be changing my last name. Yes, I AM GETTING MARRIED! new path filled with love and happiness.
9. Ntombizodwa Tshonaphi, Executive Projects Specialist
Staff member since : 15 May 2022

Quite a year it has been! No more COVID-19, being back at the office, and the transition from being an intern at the SABPP to changing companies and coming back to SABPP has been quite an exciting journey I should say. It has granted me another opportunity of getting to understand business on a much broader spectrum and being handed a new big role for learning.
Hi! I am the SABPP Executive Projects Specialist in the CEO’s office, and I am thrilled to be back. Working closely with the CEO will always be a highlight for my career progression, apart from professional grooming and gaining great business insights, you are encircled with wisdom, guidance, and free life lessons! My other highlights so far must be the awarding of the Marius Meyer SABPP National Excellence awards to deserving students and the online event we had for student members which I hope we can have on an annual basis to keep the students engaged and motivated in their studies and their intended career paths eventually.
The ultimate highlight must be the glamourous SABPP 40th anniversary celebration that certainly made me realise the impact this professional body has on HR professionals all over the country and even internationally. Getting an opportunity to network with them and sharing the momentous evening reflecting on highlights and challenges, and reminiscing on the influence the SABPP and HR pioneers have had in the past years and going forward. It was awe-inspiring to be surrounded by the esteemed guests and we still look forward to reaching greater heights and it just showed how important it is, as HR professionals to play a key role in contributing to the sustainability of the organisations!
10. Anesipho Stuurman, Membership Co-ordinator
Staff member since : 1 October 2022

My 2022 highlight is joining SABPP as a Membership coordinator This taught me that there is no magic formula to self-growth and success. Self-growth comes to those who grab every opportunity and treat it like it’s the last and are not afraid to start over. 2022 also taught me to know myself, recognise the power within me and conquer self-doubt.
It would be unjust of me to not mention the wonderful team work and diversity at SABPP as a major 2022 highlight, The opportunity to be part of such an amazing team taught me to not be afraid to grow and to not mind being a caterpillar now for I will grow into a butterfly someday”
11. Bongekile Ndaba, Marketing and Events Co-ordinator
Staff member since : 1 July 2012

Looking back at the year 2022, I have realised that many things have happened within this year both good and “not so good” have all contributed to my work improvement and growth. Working in the Marketing Department has taught me a lot about marketing the events, updating information on the website and better planning of the events.
Being part of the SABPP jubilee 40th celebration was a great experience, where we got to know where SABPP comes from, the importance of its existence as the HR Professional body. I remember when Marius Meyer joined SABPP as the CEO, he had this vision to professionalise HR and started by travelling in all provinces as the HR ambassador to understand the needs of HR Professionals before implementing the HR Standards. May his soul continue to rest in peace. We will keep the HR Profession flag flying high.
Receiving the 10 years service award was an honour. When I joined SABPP I did not know its existence until I entered the door in March 2011. I was contracted as the data capturer for 6 months and was permanently appointed as the Retention Officer in July 2012 and my growth has been spiralling ever since.
12. Ronel Coetzee, Quality Assurance Practitioner
Staff member since : 1 September 2016

We have achieved 98% retention of Skills Development Provider (SDP) accreditations thus far. Six new SDPs have joined the SABPP. We have successfully migrated to our newly launched LMS. SDPs were onboarded to the LMS, and we have addressed system issues where they have arisen. Lawrence held one-on-one sessions with SDPs, which had a significant impact on the uptake and use of the LMS. The consistency in the FISA performance by learners reflects the quality assurance of learning provision. Relatedly, 32 SDPs are actively enrolling and achieving learners with continuous external moderation requests. In this year 23 CPD programmes were accredited.
13. Dr Ajay Jivan , Head: Research and Quality Assurance
Staff member since : 1 February 2020

This year we revisited and reviewed the core of the SABPP and its professionalisation mission. We began the journey of reviewing the HRM Standards after many deliberations on our approach to, and the process of, the review. We were attentive to how the COVID pandemic accelerated future trends we had on our watch lists. And we tracked how our South African and global contexts were evolving. We reflected on these in our various Fact Sheets during the year and therein we also explored how we as a community of practice and profession were evolving. We held many engagements with the SABPP members and broader HR community. We have validated and are submitting proposals for approval for the strategic alignment Standards and the HR Technology Standard. We are also submitting proposals on a HR maturity model and clarifying the HR practitioner roles in people management and as a people champion or steward.
As with the previous years, the Research and Assurance team has certainly been stretched and tested. There were many challenges and contingencies that we contended with, but, together, we managed these as best as we could. Our guiding north star being the singular objective of quality assurance of learning provision and continuous professional development. We continue building on the quality assurance reputation that SABPP has built over the years. And we continue the work of consistently hosting the FISAs, which will be more efficiently managed as we roll out the LMS functionalities. All this can only be achieved by a team that holds the SABPP mission steadfast.
14. Thulani Ndwandwe, General Office Assistant
Staff member since : 1 July 2017

One of my greatest highlights for this year is being appointed as the chief advisor to the chief in my community of Soweto and later being able to attend the Inauguration of the chief Misuzulu kaZwelithini Zulu in KwaZulu Natal. I was so proud of embracing my Zulu culture. Another highlight is the SABPP 40th birthday celebration that SABPP had with very important people, and it was nice to be part of the great celebration. Another highlight is the weekly CEO Leadership conversations which helps me communicate better and is helping me address my thoughts and ideas better.
15. Lindiwe Nombaca, Governance Practitioner
Staff member since : 1 March 2015

The year 2022 was a great year of exploration. A year full of opportunities and challenges at the same time.
I was blessed to be given an opportunity to travel to all our 14 provincial Committees where we were conducting Provincial Annual General Meetings and later hosted strategy sessions. It was a privilege to see how people outside the province are so interested to serve the profession. It was a privilege to engage with all the committee members from different levels face to face and get to understand how they do things in these provinces. It some cases, other Chairpersons went an extra mile by inviting us to their homes or for special outings. This has really proven to me how impactful it can be put people at the center of your organisation. I would like to really thank everyone that was involved in all the plannings and for those who made time to attend these special meetings. Furthermore, it was truly a breath-taking experience to form part of the team that was organising the anticipated SABPP 40th Birthday celebration that was attended by special people that have added so much value to SABPP in the past year. There was so much interest in the profession, and I could see the impact that SABPP has made in so many people journeys.
In my personal space, I got to graduate from my qualification and enrolled for a post graduate qualification that Marius Meyer has always wanted me to do and for a moment, I felt like I could call him and tell him that it is happening now ? and also thank him for always wanting the best for me. Indeed, goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life, I was also ordained at church as a servant of the Almighty and I am not taking it lightly since it is an honour to serve in house of the Lord. I am very grateful for everything that came my way as an opportunity or as a challenge because God held my hand through it all. Merry Christmas and happy new year to everyone and I am so looking forward to the new year ahead