By H.E. Prof. Dr. Ambassador Tal Edgars, Group Executive Chairman, GBSH Consult Group Worldwide With reskilling being critical to organisational success,…
Future of Work
Future of WorkHuman Capital
Many of South Africa’s recruiters and employers have been asking an important question over the past few months: Is remote work falling away, or is it here to stay?
by Grieg Smithby Grieg SmithThe global coronavirus pandemic has, without doubt, provided employees with greater flexibility over where, when and how they work. ‘Flexible’, ‘Hybrid’…
Future of WorkStrategy
Commercialising cannabis offers huge opportunities for employment and economic growth
Cannabis use has long been a taboo in South Africa, but opinions are beginning to shift since it became legal for…
Future of WorkHuman Capital
#L&DSnippets: Learning and Development’s position in today’s organisation
“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways” – Robert Greene Why L&D Snippets?…
Future of WorkHuman Capital
Learnings from the Great Resignation: Hybrid without culture is not enough
by Sarah Riceby Sarah RiceSouth Africa’s Government has ended the COVID-19 State of Disaster, but now that employees have experienced remote working, many don’t want…
Future of WorkHuman Capital
Outsourcing is on the rise, and South Africa is a prime destination
by Dalya Ketzby Dalya KetzFor better or worse, Covid-19 has changed the world of work, and many businesses have realised that certain positions can easily…