Welcome to November.
October was a busy month for SABPP. For a start, following the relaxation of the lockdown levels announced by President Ramaphosa that saw South Africa moving down to level 1, the SABPP team moved back to the office on a hybrid model. Currently we are in office 3 days a week and work from home the other two days.
In October, SABPP ran the Annual Conference for two days. This was the 9th edition and unfortunately the numbers, as expected, were very low. We had about 35 delegates who attended the virtual conference. On a positive note, we had the best speakers in town covering topical issues including the contentious vaccination policies. Speakers were very diverse with about 60% being local speakers and remainder being international speakers from UK (CIPD), Netherlands, Swaziland and Namibia. The sought-after Programme Directors Siphiwe Moyo and Bebe Oyegun did not disappoint.
Still in October, the Board Elections continued and closed on the 15th of October. 488 Members voted up from 357 in 2018. While this is a great improvement, we expected more members to be involved in the affairs of the body. The new Board is set to be announced on the 1st of November 2021 and the new Board will take the reign from the 24th of November 2021 to the 23rd of November 2024.
In October we started finalising the system matter. The present membership system contract has served its 3 years and was renewed for another three years. It was therefore time to re-open this bid. SABPP intends making a decision in time for 1 January 2022.
October saw SABPP recognising and awarding outstanding individuals and companies in various areas. We therefore congratulate all the winners and finalists for putting the HR Profession on the map and for leading innovation and thereby keeping all of us relevant.
In case you missed them, here are the 2021 winners:
- Digital Learning Award
- Strategic Alignment and Leading Practice for Individual
- Dr Calvin Mabaso – UJ
- Strategic Alignment and Leading Practice for Individual
- Digital Learning Award
- Strategic Alignment and leading Practice for Organisation
- Standard Bank
- Strategic Alignment and leading Practice for Organisation
- Digital Learning Award
- Strategic Alignment and leading Practice for Learning Provider
- Summit
- Strategic Alignment and leading Practice for Learning Provider
- Training Provider of the YearMilpark Education
- Milpark Education
- Best University in HR Standards Alignment Walter Sisulu University
- Walter Sisulu University
- Best HR Standards Consulting Product/Service/CPP Provider of the YearGlobal Business Solution
- Global Business Solution
- Best Innovation/ Contribution by an HR Practitioner in Dealing with COVID -19 at workJonathan Goldberg -Global Business Solutions
- Jonathan Goldberg -Global Business Solutions
- Best Company supporting HR StandardsTracker
- Tracker
Services SETA began in earnest the consultation process for the replacement of legacy qualifications. This is an important process for SABPP. A significant number of stakeholders including training providers attended and contributed to the success of the consultation process. It is envisaged that by mid next year the process will be complete and our LQA will be able to offer new programmes.
The quarterly meetings with the Provincial Committee Chairpersons took place early this month. We had already met with the National Committee Chairpersons at the end of September. It was a pleasure to hear about the positive progress in various committees and provinces.
Two SABPP staff members celebrated milestones. Lindiwe Nombaca turned 40 in the first week of October and Ronel Coetzee had celebrated hers in August. Ronel further celebrated five years at SABPP and we were proud to share the day with her.

Finally and most importantly, October is the birthday month of SABPP. On the 18th of October 2021 SABPP turned 39 years. We are grateful for the support of all our stakeholders over the years. 2020 and 2021 are some of the worst years in the history of SABPP. Therefore, surviving and thriving in these tough years needs to be celebrated. We look forward to a bigger celebration next year when we turn 40. Until then may we all do everything in our power to ensure the continuous survival and thriving of the best HR Professional Body south of the equator.

1 comment
My name is Silo Muchindu, I’m contacting you from the Manhattan Institute of Leadership, which is A U.S.A, Cape Town & Zambian based leadership training company.
We would like to SABPP an opportunity to partner with us to a workshop at a venue to be advised in South Africa for all senior Human Resource personel. This is a special invitation-only event for the Human Resources professional community in South Africa.
The 90-minute workshop is called Leadership in the 4IR and it will be given by The Urban Hotel Group founder Christopher Jannou who is also CEO of Manhattan Institute of Leadership. The event will take place End of August. It will be followed by a networking event.
Kindly provide me an email to send the invitation and more information to and as we look forward to hosting you at the event!