The world is poised on the cusp of major technological revolution, with new applications for existing technologies and advancements in multiple…
Human Capital
There is mounting foreign case law providing both employers and artificial intelligence (AI) developers with food for thought as South Africa…
Future of WorkHuman Capital
From Sober to stoned: how Gen Z’s drug use is shaping South Africa’s workforce
by Rhys Evansby Rhys EvansAs Generation Z, the first truly digital natives, begins to dominate the South African workforce, employers are faced with a new…
Human CapitalStrategy
When Organisations Only Pretend to Care: Is There a Better Way?
by Taegan Devarby Taegan DevarI recently saw a meme on social media that said: “The only thing worse than an organisation that doesn’t care is…
According to the Code of Good Practice: Dismissal, a dismissal for a first offence is not appropriate unless it is so…
Human CapitalStrategy
Are there risks associated with real-time verifications?
by Jenny Reidby Jenny ReidWe are often asked for real-time information when conducting background checks for clients, but with the rise of Artificial Intelligence and…