Many SABPP members have completed, or are busy with, or are contemplating post-graduate studies up to PhD level. Those members who…
Human Capital
At our events, like-minded HR professionals may connect, exchange ideas, and navigate the evolving world of human resources while networking to…
Human CapitalStrategy
Systems psychodynamics thought (applied) in organisations – how companies can become more soulful
Organisations as complex, interconnected and multi-level systems Unconscious psychodynamics are inevitable in any human system. As a leader, coach or mentor,…
Government PolicyHuman Capital
Affirmative Action: Economic Sectors and Numerical Targets and Quotas
On Friday, 12 May 2023 the Minister of Employment and Labour published the much-anticipated Notice identifying proposed national economic sectors and…
Developing the Company-Employee Partnership Imagine a world where you have the opportunity to share in the profits that your company makes.…
Future of WorkHuman CapitalStrategy
The Periodic Table of Conscious Communication: A New Language for Mindful Interpersonal Relationships
In today’s globalised world, conscious or mindful communication is critical for building strong relationships with others. However, communication can be complex,…