Today, the plethora of advancements being made in technology are having a widespread impact across all the various business functions within…
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Human Capital
Vetting and Screening of Prospective Employees Remain a Critical Element of People Acquisition and Placement and a Risk Control Measure Too
Introduction As we grapple with the current business demands of shorter response times, value-adding HR offerings to business and the need…
Approximately five million South Africans are disabled. This is around one in ten South Africans. Despite this, less than 1% of…
Government Policy
New Legislation Requiring Secret Strike Ballots is the Latest in South Africa’s Intra-Union Battles
by Tim Cohenby Tim Cohen(This article was first published on 15 September 2019 by Tim Cohen – Business Maverick) The requirement to have a secret…
Talking About the Gig Economy’s Impact on Unemployment Misses the Bigger Picture Researchers are hard at work showing how open business…
The existing and pending new legislation necessitate that management obtain labour law expertise. In the case of NUFAWSA obo Matiti vs…